Thrift Stores in Plattsburgh

I was in upstate NY close to Plattsburgh visiting family, and thought I’d check out some of the thrift stores in the area.  I was curious how they would compare to Hawaii.  I was nervous that I wouldn’t find anything, or what I would find wouldn’t be all that great.  I ended up going to two stores, the first one was called Dress Code and the second was a Salvation Army. 

Dress Code wasn’t a bad store, but it’s not my kind of place.  The store targets fashionable young women on a budget, so most of the items in the store are lightly used.  This also drives up the cost of the items.  Jeans ranged from $12 to $25, which is a little more than I’m willing to pay for used jeans. I like the concept of the store, it seems like some people buy items and then sell them back after wearing them a few times. It’s a much better option than buying cheap clothes that you throw away quickly.  For my purposes I much prefer places like the Salvation Army or Goodwill. 

My next stop was the Salvation Army, which was very nice.  The clothes were significantly cheaper than in Hawaii (about half the price), but there wasn’t a huge selection.  It was very well organized though. I had very low expectations so when I walked in I was presently surprised.  The workers were extremely friendly, and there was more of a community feel than you find in Hawaii. It was fun to look through and try to find items that were worth salvaging.  I personally like finding pieces that are outdated and then bringing them back to life.  As long as the fabric is in good condition, then it can be upcycled.  Overall I’m I much prefer the thrift stores around me in Honolulu, but it would definitely be nice to have Plattsburgh prices.  

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